Teamwork in Action! |
Spreading Holiday Cheer |
Ingram Tom Moore High School Interact Club Teams Up with Kerrville Morning Rotary |
Hill Country Youth Ranch |
BearcatAt our Oct 17th meeting Sheriff Larry Leitha brought by the county's new armored vehicle the "Bearcat" which was an instant hit with our members! |
October 17th 2024 Pennies for Polio |
Lunch ProvidedThe club provided lunch for Mercy Gate Ministries and 8 Days of Hope during their recent construction project.
Welcome to our new memberWelcome our newest member Edna Vandiver (center) Executive Director Christian Women's Job Corps. |
Meeting October 3rd 2024Today we welcomed Sarah Hill Kocurek the Executive Director and Veterans Service Officer at Hill Country Veterans Center as our guest speaker (right). Thank you so much Sarah. |
Dictionary DonationOn September 19th our club donated dictionaries to the 3rd graders of Ingram Elementary, a long standing tradition of the club.
Meeting August 15th 2024Left to right Kristen Salazar, District Governor -- John Flowers , Club President -- Ronni Pue, Area 4 Assistant Governor Kristen Salazar our District Governor was our guest speaker today. She was accompanied by Ronnie Pue. She provided an excellent update on district projects and initiatives. Thank you Kristen
Meeting August 1, 2024left to right Edna Vandiver, Courtney, Nancy Riley, John Flowers Today's meeting we had Edna Vandiver the Executive Director of Christian Women's Job Corps (CWJC) talk to us about their success in assisting women. Her organization has helped over 600 women. For more information see . |
Meeting July 25, 2024At our business meeting today the KROC center food service was presented with 30 lbs.of venison by Nancy Riley (left) and Donna Ragsdale . Accepting the donation for the KROC Center was Laura and Diego. |
Welcome New Club Executives and Directors
Meeting June 6thToday Kennedy Mosley (center) was awarded the first John Aceti Memorial Scholarship. Congratulations Kennedy … well deserved.
Welcome New MemberFrom the left; John Flowers, Donna Ragsdale, Brandie Guzman, Frank Dunlap May 16,2024 Today we welcomed our newest member Brandie Guzman (Principal Tom Moore HS Ingram). |
Meeting April 4thChae Spencer Executive Director of Mercy Gate Ministries Provided us an emotional presentation on the program she provides to victims of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and sexual trauma. |
Meeting March 21st , 2024Left to Right: Nancy Riley, Lew McCoy, Kerrville Mayor Judy Eychner Judy Eychner Kerrville Mayor updated us the status of Kerrville and future projects Thanks Judy ! |
Meeting March 7th 2024Left to Right -- Nancy Riley, Brandi Guzman, Justin Crittenden, John Flowers Our own Justin Crittenden, Principal Tom Moore High School and Brandi Guzman, Vice Principal gave us an in depth update on the current status of projects at Tom Moore High School. Extremely informative -- Thank you Crit and Brandi |
Feb 22, 2024 MeetingBeth Palmer, Light on the Hill Ministries spoke to us today , she was presented a Paul Harris award from our club for all the service she provides to our community. Thank You Beth. |
Feb 8th MeetingDub Thomas Emergency Management Coordinator for Kerr County and the city of Ingram (left) provided an excellent update on Emergency Management preparations for the upcoming eclipse (April 8, 2024) Thank you Dub! |
December Food MarketDecember Food Market at The First Presbyterian Church Ingram Tom Moore Interact Club Members that came to volunteer. Picture left to right: Hallie Nichols, Kennedy Mosely(Vice-President), Courtney Wools(President), Logan Spalding, Tony Castillo, Donna Ragsdale(Interact Club Sponsor) |
Backpack ProjectKerrville Morning Rotary and Ingram Tom Moore Interact Club Project Backpack project for Ingram Community students and families. Backpacks filled with toiletry items. Donations given by both organizations listed above. Picture taken at Ingram Tom Moore HS Left to Right: John Flowers, Courtney Wools, Kennedy Mosely, Layla DeLuca, Donna Ragsdale, Frank Dunlap, Nancy Riley, Lew McCoy |
Christmas Party 2023Christmas Party 2023, Inn of the Hills , December 21, 2023
Guadalupe River Center ProjectDecember 7, 2023 Layng Guerriero, Vice Chairman of the Guadalupe River Center Project provided details of the project for our club. Follow the link below for further information |
New FurnaceOur own Charlie DeAx installed a new furnace (heater) for Mrs. Shanklin (right). $1,500 project sponsored by our club with the assistance of 5 Crosses Services LLC and Eveready Electric. |
November 16th MeetingTara Bushnoe (right), General Manger UGRA, gave us a excellent overview of UGRA initiatives and a review of their status. Many thanks Tara.
Meeting October 19, 2023Our speaker for October 19, 2023 was Bobby Templeton, Superintendent Ingram ISD. He talked about the School Marshal Program and how Ingram ISD has implemented the program. He also demonstrated the equipment utilized by the school marshal using Lew McCoy, wouldn't Lew make an excellent School Marshall. |
Meeting Oct 5th 2023Thanks go out to Rianne Sykes, Big Brother/Big Sister (center) for passionately explaining to our club the need for Big Brothers and Big Sisters |
Meeting Sept 7thDavid Jones, Head Football Coach, Tivy HS (left). Our speaker for September 7th, 2023 provided a thought provoking, motivational speech to the club. Thank you David Charlie DeAx (center) receives his Paul Harris member award. Congratulations Charlie!! |
Food Bank Distribution |
UGRA River Clean up July 22, 2023 |
The gift of transportationAmber San Miguel (center) the previous recipient of one of our academic scholarships was in dire need of reliable transportation to and from school as a club we were able to present her with a car (above) We wish her success in her studies and good luck in reaching her ultimate goal of a nursing degree. |
Media Release |
Meeting July 20th 2023left Donna Ragsdale center John Flowers right Ronnie Pue We were joined today by the Assistant Area Governor for San Antonio , Ronnie Pue (right). Thanks go out to her. Additionally Donna Ragsdale (left) talked with us about her most recent mission of the Praying Pelicans in Alaska. Very interesting thanks so much Donna. |
School Supply Drive |
Teacher Welcome Gift Bags |
People of Action |
June 29th 2023 InductionThe Honorable Judy Eychner and her husband George came to our meeting to induct our new President John Flowers and the new board for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Thanks go out the them both and congratulations to the new President and board.
Rotarian of the YearCongratulations go out to Donna Ragsdale the Rotarian of the Year. Thanks, Donna for all you have done!
Meeting June 16th 2023Unfortunately our speaker for June 16th was unable to attend our meeting, but on the brighter side Dan Dixon was awarded: Paul Harris Fellow +1 (1 Sapphire) |
Food Bank HelpersThanks go out to the Interact Club students that came to the food bank to help distribute food on Saturday morning (April 15th). Left: Rozzlyn Roberts. Right: Kennedy Mosely |
District Governor VisitMarch 23, 2023 left Lew McCoy (President) right Dwayne Hopkins (District Governor) Our club thanks the District Governor Dwayne Hopkins for braving the early morning today to visit us. He provided a very thought provoking speech. Again thank you so much sir!!! |
Paul Harris 5th Award02/23/2023 Congratulations to Nancy Riley for earning her 5th Paul Harris Award !
Interact Club02/21/2023 Last week the KROC held their Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon and recognized many of the wonderful volunteers that helped this year. Our Interact Club was honored to be the highest earning Youth organization in the Red Kettle Bell Ringing contest. Pictured are Kennedy, who we met two weeks ago when she spoke to us, along with Venessa and Hannah. Another student, Hailie participated as well, but was unable to make the luncheon. |
PodcastingFebruary 9, 2023 Our Speaker Tom Fox, Attorney and Author provided an interesting presentation on the value of podcasts. There will be a podcast workshop Friday March 3 11:30 - 1:00 at the KROC Center for more information and to register use this link:
Mercy Gate Ministries Service ProjectService Project Project Team 1- Tree trimming. Project Team 2- Painting. Big shout out to Frank & Julie, Drew, John and Jon. Frank and Drew served as the Chainsaw Crew while the rest of us played with paint. Lisa Carpenter stopped by and was so grateful for our efforts as they will be moving in a few new guests soon. |
Veterans Day
Make a Joyful NoiseHeather Morgan, CWJC Board of Directors (Ministry of Music) walked us through some exercises in the use of our God given instrument. Our singing voices, although it seemed some us couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Thank you Heather |
Ingram Elementary Dictionary DonationOur successful donation of dictionaries to the 3rd grade of Ingram Elementary School (October 11, 2022) |
Welcome New MemberWe welcome a new member to our club Kelsi Wilmot (left) . |
Kerr County Bond Election
left : Lew McCoy center: Bobby Templeton right: Brenda HughesSeptember 8, 2022
Brenda Hughes and Bobby Templeton of the Kerr County Capital Improvement Planning Committee provided an informational briefing on the upcoming bond election ( A, B, C) For more information see:
Food Distribution at Light on the HillA big shout-out to Lew, Courtney, Ron and John for participating in food distribution at Light on the Hill this past Monday (August 29th). They made the service project fun. It was a great event and very worthwhile cause. They handed out frozen chicken and distributed over 1100 packages. |
Security & InvestmentsLeft: Lew McCoy Center: Andrew Gay and Gilbert Paiz Right: Kenneth O'Neal August 25th 2022 Andrew Gay and Gilbert Paiz from Texas Hill Country Advisors provided an interesting presentation highlighting current inflation, FED interest rate hikes and the effect on financial planning. Many thanks to both! |
Disaster PreparednessRichard McAlister, Incident Meteorologist & Spokesperson, American Red Cross (left) provides an excellent presentation on preparing for disasters August 11, 2022 |
Paul Harris Society AwardCourtney Ward our new Paul Harris Society member was presented her certificate and pin (August 11, 2022) by Randy McClay. Congratulations Courtney!
Today's Speaker July 28, 2022left: Lew McCoy, right: Laine Johnson Our speaker today: Lainie Johnson, Executive Director, First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center Provided us with an overview of the overturn of Roe vs Wade by SCOTUS and what it actually means. Many thanks Lainie.
UGRA River Clean-upWe had an excellent turn out, thanks everyone who attended the UGRA River Clean Up event this past Saturday (July 23 2022). |
May 12, 2020 SpeakerDr. Don Frazier (left) Texas History Center, Schreiner University Gave us an eye opening look at Texas history in our education system. |
Doyle Community Center DonationMay 12, 2022 Lew McCoy (left) donates his 50/50 raffle winnings to the Doyle Community Center accepted by Clifton Fifer (center).
Speaker May 5th 2022Left: Beck Gipson Right: Kenneth O'Neal Our speaker for today: Beck Gipson, Gipson Real Estate Services. His father was Fred Gipson -- the author of "Old Yeller" . Beck provided an excellent discussion of story telling, the history of his family and the writing of Old Yeller. Many thanks Beck |
Kerr County History CenterLeft Bill Rector, Right Ken O'Neal Our speaker today (April 21, 2022) was Bill Rector, Hill Country Heritage Center. He provided an interesting presentation concerning the development of the AC Schreiner House into the Kerr County history center. Thanks Bill |
UGRA River Clean UpThe Upper Guadalupe River Authority has scheduled the 19th annual River Clean Up for Saturday, July 23, 2022. More Information at: Register by July 8th,2022. |
K'Star Youth and Family ServicesApril 14th, 2022 We welcomed Haley Salazar (left), the Program Coordinator at the K'Star Counseling Center. K'STAR is a non-profit, community based organization creating safe and caring environments through counseling and shelter services to empower long-term life-skills and successful transitions for youth and families in 14 Texas counties. More information at:
Prop AFrom left to right --- Eric Maloney, Fire Chief ; Glen Andrew, Mindy Wendele, Kenneth O’Neal Our speakers for the April 7th 2022 meeting were: Mindy Wendele, Chairperson of Citizens for Safety Glen Andrew, Committee Member of Citizens for Safety Chris McCall, Police Chief Eric Maloney, Fire Chief An in-depth discussion of the upcoming bond issue Prop A and it's importance was presented. Prop A will provide much needed funding for the construction a new multiuse Police Station public safety facility. For more information see: Thanks go out to all. |
Arcadia LiveLeft to Right: Ken O’Neal, Stacie Leporeti, Meredith Tilley Crook, Jon Tilley Our speakers today (March 31st), Meredith Tilley Crook, Public Relations Manager and Stacie Leporeti, Venue and Events Manager, Arcadia Live provided us with an excellent update on their non-profit organization and the services they provide to the community. For more information see the links below. Many thanks to Meredith and Stacie! General Info: Become a member: |
Hill Country Crisis CouncilMarch 24th 2022 Suzanne Tomerlin Development Director , Hill Country Crisis Center, provided us an overview of the Hill Country Crisis Council operation. For more information: |
Tom Moore High School P-TechPrincipal Justin Crittenden, Ingram I.S.D.
Our speaker for March 17th 2022 gave an excellent presentation on Tom Moore High School's, P-Tech program. The program provides students an opportunity to get 2 years of college credit (Associates Degree) while attending high school. Thanks "Crit" |
"Battle of the Border" -- Human TraffickingOur speakers for March 10, 2022 Sheriff Larry Leitha (left) provided an excellent update on the Sheriff’s department. Additionally, Cpt Jason Waldrip (right) gave a thought-provoking lecture on human trafficking through Kerr County and surrounding areas. We thank them immensely.
Mercy Gate MinistriesFeb 17th, 2022 Lesley Lehrmann, Kenneth O'Neal , Karla Solomon Our speakers today were Lesley Lehrmann and Karla Solomon they shared information concerning their mission at Mercy Gates Ministries, serving those affected by the plague of human trafficking. Karla Solomon bravely shared her story that was shocking and relevant for all. Thank you both so much!!!! To learn more about their mission and how you may be able to help visit; |
Salvation Army Christmas Bell RingersOn December 11, 2021 our club enjoyed bell ringing for the Salvation Army outside Hobby Lobby (pictured top to bottom, left to right, Ron Hackett, Marie Souza, Bill Sharp, Lucia Sharp, ???, Donna Ragsdale) Thank you to all our Bell Ringers!!! |
Christmas Service Project
Food Drive for Veterans ThanksgivingOn Tuesday November 16, Donna Ragsdale and Kenneth O’Neal delivered canned goods to Veterans Center for Thanksgiving Luncheon on November 18. Food was collected for three weeks by the students and families of the Ingram Independent School System. Blessings to all. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 |
Why do we play the game?On Oct 28th, David Jones, Athletic Director and Head Football Coach at TIVY High School spoke to our club. After his motivating speech Kenneth O'Neal wrote this article for The Kerrville Daily Times it appeared the Thursday November 4, 2021 edition (page 4A).. Thank you David!! "WHY DO WE PLAY THE GAME?" Last week, David Jones, Athletic Director and Head Football Coach at TIVY High School, Kerrville, Texas spoke at Morning Rotary with a record of won 1 lost 7. Coach Jones has been directly responsible for the success of a football team and on a more personal basis for each player on the team for more than 40 years. He has devoted his life to teaching others about character, cooperation and winning. He has a firm hold on the knowledge for building and sustaining successful athletic programs especially football at the high school level. Over the years, he has worked with players with the least ability and those with the most skill and talents. He brought out the best of them with his extensive experience, his knowledge and the love of the game. He has handled many difficult situations, injuries to players, deaths in the families of players and scrutiny from administration, parents of players and the public. At the beginning, the goal was not to have a losing season. Playing the game of football and the game of life requires the buy in of the players as the team. The initial step in the game is to obtain self-awareness to create personal change, personal development and personal growth. The second step is to come face to face with the truth about life to make better choices on the field. Thirdly, the players must discover how to move from selfish to selflessness. And finally, step number four is to understand the most significant item in winning the game of life is to realize and make it all about serving others. Our Creator is most happy when His children are helping and serving His other children to problem solve. We are in this game of life to create an Intentional Legacy where the foundational principles are left in the souls and hearts of mankind. In 100 years, we will not be questioning the won lost record of Coach David Jones. How many young men and young women heard him tell of his faith in God? How many serious injuries of players did Coach Jones cry and pray for healing? How many wedding announcements did Coach Jones receive and how many little boys are named “David” because of his impact on the player. Coach David Jones makes a difference and is a life changer with significant purpose. Tivy lost the game on Friday that would have put the team in the playoffs. Head coach Jones spoke emotionally of the player feelings after the loss, “I hate it for these kids; they have been through a lot; they have been through a whole lot. They deserve better than that, and I am sincerely sorry for the outcome.” We love to win and be successful in football but the true character of a coach in life is shown in how he loses. No regrets, no blaming others, outpouring of heart felt gratitude and loving God and others. In the game of football and in the game of life, It appears to me there are more than 2500 winning lives with minimal losses for Coach David Jones. |
Kerrville Morning Rotary Awards ScholarshipsKerrville Morning Rotary recently awarded two, $1,500 scholarships to local students; one from Tivy High School and one from Ingram Tom Moore High School. Scholarship Committee Chair, Bob Green, said, “It’s encouraging to see such qualified candidates.”
Kerrville Morning Rotary Awards $2,000 to Christian Women’s Job Corps
Arcadia Theatre UpdatePictured from left, Anne Overby, Arcadia Theatre Chief of FUNraising, Bill Sharp, Rotarian and Laurie Rees, Aracadia volunteer coordinator. Ms. Overby and Ms. Rees updated the Morning Rotary on the events and future plans at the Arcadia Theatre.
Honor Veterans NowRotarian Dan Dixon (center) donates his winnings from the Rotary drawing to Meals for Vets Program Director Mike Cagle (right) while President-Elect Kenneth O'Neal looks on.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Provides Hunting Opportunity for VeteransIn an ongoing effort to give back to those who selflessly gave to us through their military service, The Rotary Club of Kerrville (Morning Rotary) provided deer hunts for veterans this past month, thanks to the philanthropy of Morning Rotarian Randy McClay. Randy McClay, owner of MC2 Ranch in Kerrville, donated whitetail deer hunts for two veterans. Unfortunately, one recipient had to cancel, but Army veteran, Tony Straube was on hand to hunt. In the words of McClay, “It was a great afternoon with Tony Straube, hunt guide Bill Owen, and myself. Tony arrived around 3:15 p.m. He got his .243 rifle ready and we headed for the shooting range…” Randy McClay spotting for Tony Straube as he sights in his rifle. Above Tony Straube hunting from deer blind. Below |
Kerrville Morning Zoom MeetingsWatch a Kerrville Morning meeting here recorded with Zoom! Password access is below with each recording. Check with members Waverly or Mike for more details. Are you interested in Rotary or just want to join us each week live? Log in here: Meeting ID: 870 7971 0582 Passcode: Rotary1 |
Ingram Tom Moore High School Interact Club’s Coins for ChristmasL-R): Ingram Tom Moore High School Interact Club members; Cayleigh Palm, Chelsea Parks, and Walker Ragsdale. Members not pictured include Cassidy Tedeschi, Nikkie Dillard, Samantha Sollers, Cody Miller, Ana Harvey, Madison Davis, and Fortima Martinez. TheIngram Tom Moore High School Interact Club sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Morning Rotary) conducted a Coins for Christmas fundraising drive during the holidays. Donna Ragsdale, in addition to being a Morning Rotarian, serves as an Ingram Tom Moore teacher, coach, and the Interact Club sponsor. “We collected about 50 dollars in pennies, dimes, nickels, and quarters. It was great to watch students walk by the donation table and drop in their change. The money collected was given to our school counselor who then gave the donations to a couple of our Ingram community families in need for the holidays,” said Ragsdale. |
Morning Rotary Spreads Christmas Cheer
Kerrville Morning Rotary Rings Bell for Salvation Army
Kerrville Morning Rotary “Santa’s Helpers” Assemble Christmas Backpacks for Ingram ISD Students
Morning Rotary Helps Provide Meals for Veterans Locally and State-Wide
Kerrville Morning Rotary Supports Christian Women's Job Corps, Kerr CountyL-R: Ann Buck, CWJC Executive Director; Rotarians, Ray Buck, Bart Stevens and Nancy Riley; and, Edna Vandiver, CWJC Assistant Director. The Rotary Club of Kerrville - Morning (Morning Rotary) recently provided lunch for the interns, staff and volunteers at the Christian Women’s Job Corps, Kerr County (CWJC). Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, Rotarians were unable to join the interns for the meal.
Morning Rotary Inducts New Members(L-R) Nancy Riley, sponsor; Ray Buck, President; “Critt” Crittenden, new member; Dan Dixon, new member; Donna Ragsdale, new member; Frank Dunlap, Membership Chair; and, Bill Sharp, sponsor. The Rotary Club of Kerrville – Morning (Morning Rotary) recently welcomed three new members to the club. Newest members include Dan Dixon, retired Army and defense industry consultant; Donna Ragsdale, Ingram Tom Moore High School teacher and coach, as well as Interact Coordinator; and, Justin “Critt” Crittenden, Ingram Tom Moore High School Principal. |
Morning Rotary Donates DictionariesNineteen years ago, Kerrville Rotary – Morning (Morning Rotary) initiated a program to annually distribute dictionaries to Ingram ISD students. For the last several years, Harper ISD was included in the distribution as well. The dictionaries are provided to the students at no cost for their personal use in order to assist them in their studies and to help prepare them for future careers. “A dictionary is perhaps the most powerful tool a child should own. Its usefulness goes beyond spelling, pronunciation, and definitions. It’s the companion for solving problems that arise as a child develops his or her reading, writing, and creative thinking abilities. Even in this digital age, there’s just something about holding a book and knowing it yours. It thrills me after all these years when a young man or woman recognizes me and tells me they still have their dictionary,” said Nancy Riley, Morning Rotary Dictionary Project Coordinator.
Morning Rotary Supports Ingram ISD Clothes LockerStanding (L-R): Morning Rotarians, Ray Buck and Bart Stevens; Ingram ISD Superintendent, Bobby Templeton; Morning Rotarians, Mike Hunter; Randy McClay; Jon Tilley; Lew McCoy; Kenneth O’Neal; and, Bill Sharp. Seated (L-R): Morning Rotarians, Waverly Jones and Nancy Riley; Ingram Tom Moore High School Interact Coordinator, Donna Ragsdale. The Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Morning Rotary) provided almost $800 in new clothes to the Ingram Tom Moore High School clothes locker. The Ingram Tom Moore clothes locker discretely provides clothing to students in need as determined by the school administration. Morning Rotarian, Mike Hunter, coordinated the project, and he with fellow Rotarians, Waverly Jones, Danielle Brigati, and Randy McClay embarked on a shopping spree at the Kerrville JCPenney store. They purchased a variety of clothing for men and women including hooded sweatshirts, long and short sleeve t-shirts, knit shirts, blouses, and sweaters, as well as essentials like socks and underwear. |
Paul Harris Award Presentations(L-R) Morning Rotarians: Waverly Jones, Treasurer; Nancy Riley (Paul Harris plus three); Randy McClay, Rotary Foundation chair; Bill Sharp (Paul Harris Fellow). Not pictured: Ron Hackett (Paul Harris plus three). Randy McClay, Rotary Foundation Chair for the Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Morning Rotary) and Waverly Jones, Treasurer, made a joint presentation to club members on the purpose and function of the Rotary Foundation. They also announced that three members received Paul Harris recognition. William “Bill” Sharp, Secretary, received his first Paul Harris Fellow award. Nancy Riley, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Ron Hackett each were awarded their Paul Harris Fellow plus three. |
Kerrville Morning Rotarians help “Keep OUR River Clean!”
Morning Rotary and Neu-Mart Team Up to Support Ingram AthletesMorning Rotarians Diane Osborne, Mike Hunter, Bill Sharp, Nancy Riley, Kenneth ONeal, Ron Hackett, and Ray Buck joined Ingram Tom Moore school administrators and staff in distributing socks to the Ingram Warriors football team. The Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Morning Rotary) with a generous donation from Mike and Debbie Neutze, provided 600 pairs of socks for boys and girls athletics at Ingram Tom Moore High School.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Honors Original Charter Member
Kerrville Morning Rotary Inducts OfficersPictured L-R: Bob Green, Charter Member; Bill Sharp, Secretary; Mike Hunter, Vice-President; Diane Osborne, President-Elect; Ray Buck, President; Waverly Jones, Treasurer; and Nancy Riley, Sgt. At Arms (not pictured, Jon Tilley, PastPresident). Bob Green, Charter Member of the Rotary Club of Kerrville – Morning (Morning Rotary) presided over the 2020-2021 Morning Rotary new officer installation. “The Rotary Club of Kerrville – Morning is looking forward to next year with a great group of experienced officers at the helm!” said Green.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Awards $2,000 Scholarship(L-R): Taylor Finley, Morning Rotarian and Scholarship Committee Chair; Sean McGinnis; Morgan McGinnis, scholarship recipient; and, Susan McGinnis. The Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Morning Rotary) recently awarded a well-deserved $2,000 scholarship to Tivy High School senior, Morgan McGinnis. “Morgan was selected not only because of her outstanding GPA and involvement in school, but because of her desire to help and serve others through art therapy. Her essays were very well written and demonstrated the characteristics of a leader,” said Taylor Finley, Scholarship Committee Chair. Morgan will attend Texas A&M University in the fall where she will major in Psychology and minor in Business. She has a 100.5 GPA and is ranked 23rd out of a class of 325. “I want to help people understand and express themselves through art,” Morgan said in sharing why she selected the field of art therapy. |
Kerrville Morning Rotary Fetes Rotarian of the YearOn June 18th, The Rotary Club of Kerrville – Morning (Morning Rotary) Treasurer, Drew Whitehead, standing in for Jon Tilley, President, named Ray Buck as the 2019-2020 Rotarian of the Year. Annually, the club selects a fellow Rotarian who they believe is deserving of the additional honor. Citing Buck’s dedication and loyal service to the club, Whitehead applauded Buck’s efforts on behalf of Morning Rotary.
Morning Rotary Donates to Doyle Community CenterFront (l-r): Lois Shaw, Doyle Community Center facility manager receiving check from Jon Tilley, Morning Rotary president. Back (l-r): Clifton Fifer, Jr, Doyle Community Center community outreach coordinator; and, Ray Buck, Morning Rotary president-elect. This past week, The Rotary Club of Kerrville - Morning (Morning Rotary) presented a $1,200 check to the Doyle Community Center to assist with meals during the COVID-19 crisis. |
“We’re all in this together.” - Jon Tilley, Morning Rotary PresidentThis past week, The Rotary Club of Kerrville - Morning (Morning Rotary) donated 50 pounds of pecans to the Dietert Center’s Meals on Wheels Program and 75 pounds of pecans to CAM (Kerrville Christian Assistance Ministry). As with many local businesses and organizations, the recent COVID-19 pandemic also negatively impacted revenue generation for Morning Rotary.
Longtime Rotarian Awarded Honorary MembershipThe Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Morning Rotary) President, Jon Tilley, has awarded an Honorary Membership to Rotarian John Aceti. “You've been a pillar of our Club and we will have a huge void without you. That said, I understand at some point there's a time all of us will have to make this decision and I respect that,” said Tilley
Morning Rotary Sponsors RYLA StudentIngram Tom Moore High School (ITM) junior, Walker Ragsdale, recently participated in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) conference in New Braunfels. The Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Morning Rotary) was thrilled to underwrite the expenses for Walker to attend the leadership training.
Service Above SelfThe Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Kerrville Morning Rotary) President, Jon Tilley, recently awarded a Paul Harris Fellow to Kerrville Morning Rotarian, Katya Sczepanik. The Paul Harris Fellow recognizes individuals who have contributed, or who have had contributed in their name, $1,000 cumulatively to the Rotary Foundation of Rotary Foundation.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Packs Shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse
Christian Women's Job CorpsKerrville Morning Rotary Supports Christian Women's Job Corps, Kerr County This past week, the Rotary Club of Kerrville - Morning (Morning Rotary) provided lunch for the interns, staff and volunteers at the Christian Women’s Job Corps, Kerr County (CWJC) and joined them for a special time of connecting over the meal. “We had a great time hosting lunch for these incredible women. In the short time we interacted, it was amazing to see the positivity, encouragement and hope instilled in each of the interns. CWJC is a huge asset to our community and we are honored to support them any way we can,” said Jon Tilley, Morning Rotary President |
District Governor Awards Paul Harris Fellow RecognitionDistrict Governor 2019-2020, Rotary District 5840, John Hutcherson, recently honored the Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning (Kerrville Morning Rotary) with a presentation on the purpose and direction of Rotary. At the invitation of Kerrville Morning Rotary President, Jon Tilley, he awarded Paul Harris pins to Kerrville Morning Rotarians, Ray Buck (Paul Harris plus two) and John Aceti (Paul Harris plus six). |
Morning Rotary Donates DictionariesKERRVILLE MORNING ROTARY DONATES DICTIONARIES Eighteen years ago, Kerrville Rotary – Morning (Morning Rotary) initiated a program to annually distribute dictionaries to Ingram ISD students. For the last several years, Harper ISD was included in the distribution as well.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Honors Rotarian of the Year |
Kerrville Morning Rotary Officers 2019-2020Kerrville Morning Rotary Installs New Officers and Honors Rotarian of the Year Kerrville Morning Rotary’s last charter member still active in the club, Bob Green, presided over the Kerrville Morning Rotary new officer installation this past month.
Hill Country Veterans Center - Spruce-UpEnthusiastic volunteers from Kerrville Morning Rotary have been busy demonstrating support for local veterans by recently sprucing up the Hill Country Veterans Center landscape. The Veterans Center was once a National Guard armory and was turned over to the veteran's group in 2013.
Pictures from Rise Against Hunger EventWhat a great day!! Over 175 Volunteers showed up to help us package 20,088 meals in 1 Hour and 7 minutes!! This was a great day of service, team-building and community awareness about hunger both worldwide and locally. Many thanks to all who participated with their time, talent and canned good donations. See you next year!!
Brain Games1st Annual Trivia Night on Friday, March 23rd. Bring your Team and see if you can be crowned Champions!
19th Annual Auto & Motorcycle ShowGet ready for one of the largest Auto & Motorcycle Shows in Kerrville and help support the Kerrville Morning Rotary and the Dietert Center! July 1st at the Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main St Kerrville, TX 78028 |
Morning Rotary Supports Raphael Clinic
Kerrville Morning Rotary Donates to Raphael Community Free Clinic Kerrville Morning Rotary recently presented a check for $1,450 to the Raphael Community Free Clinic. The funds helped purchase a temporal artery thermometer and spirometry equipment which is used to diagnose asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other conditions that effect breathing. "Kerrville Morning Rotary enthusiastically supports this work in our community. It’s an honor to be able to assist in funding this essential ministry," said Waverly Jones, Kerrville Morning Rotary President-Elect. |
Habitat for Humanity Receives $1,000Kerrville Morning Rotary Gifts $1,000 to Habitat for Humanity Kerr County
Kerrville Morning Rotary recently gifted $1,000 to Habitat for Humanity Kerr County to further the construction of affordable housing.
"Rotary's theme for this year is ‘Be a Gift to the World,’ and what better way to support that theme than to support those in our community who seek to improve the lives of their families with affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity has been a force for good in Kerrville by meeting that very important need for over 100 families,” said Mike Hunter, Kerrville Morning Rotary President.
Service, Synergy, SuccessHow does a small club successfully raise funds for service projects? Look no further than the model demonstrated by Kerrville Morning Rotary and the Dietert Center last year.
In 2015, over the July 4th weekend, Kerrville Morning Rotary and the Dietert Center partnered to assume the sponsorship of the annual Hill Country Automobile Club’s car show.
Prior to the car show, Kerrville Morning Rotary was looking for innovative ways to raise funds. Fundraising is always a challenge for small clubs. When the idea to assume sponsorship of the car show presented itself, President Mike Hunter and President-Elect Waverly Jones, rolled up their sleeves and went to work. Jones, an executive with the Dietert Center quickly brought them on board. Pooling the strengths of Rotary and the Dietert Center provided the necessary tools to make the car show a huge success.
HCAC DonationThis past month, Robert Kluting and several club members of the Hill Country Automobile Club (HCAC) made a surprise visit to Kerrville Morning Rotary. Kluting explained that as the HCAC is ceasing operations they have additional cash on hand they desire to gift to both Kerrville Morning Rotary and the Dietert Center.
KERRVILLE MORNING ROTARY DONATES DICTIONARIESFourteen years ago, Kerrville Morning Rotary initiated a program to annually distribute dictionaries to Ingram ISD students. Since then, the list of recipient schools and organizations has grown. Three years ago the club added the students at Covenant Academy in Kerrville and Harper ISD as recipients. This year, the club included Families & Literacy, Inc. The dictionaries are provided to the students at no cost for their personal use in order to assist them in their studies and to help prepare them for future careers.
MAYORAL PROCLAMATION FOR ROTARY CLUBSThe Rotary Club of Kerrville-Morning hosted Mayor Jack Pratt on Thursday, October 22, 2015. Mayor Pratt presented a Proclamation from our City proclaiming October 24, 2015 as World Polio day for Rotary International in Kerrville, Texas. Rotary is calling attention to the worldwide efforts of many organizations, including itself, to the cause of eliminating polio from the human race.
Present for Rotary were Mike Hunter, President of the Morning Club, Stephanie Miller, President of the Kerrville Rotary Club and Doug Whinnery, End Polio Now Zone Coordinator and Dr. Cynthia McNeely.
CWJC LuncheonRotary Club of Kerrville Morning enjoyed a fabulous lunch with the students, staff, volunteers and board members of the Christian Women's Job Corp.
Inducts Newest Member and Hosts Assistant GovernorKerrville Morning Rotary members recently welcomed Laura Bechtel to the club. “It is an honor and pleasure to join Rotary and to serve with fellow members as they make continuing improvements to our community and the world,” Bechtel said. Kerrville Morning Rotary membership chair, Lew McCoy, said “We continue to add quality membership, such as Laura, a person at a time.”
Kerrville Morning Rotary Welcomes Jeanette WellsKerrville Morning Rotary Inducts Newest Member
Kerrville Morning Rotary members recently welcomed Jeannette Wells into their fold. “Jeannette brings a ton of energy to our group and is passionate about serving others and our community. We’re excited to welcome her to Rotary,” said Lew McCoy, Morning Rotary Membership Chair.
“It is an honor to join the fellowship of Rotary and to participate in the organization’s long legacy of service to others,” Wells said.
Presidential CitationKerrville Morning Rotary President, Mike Hunter (l), assisted by Randy McClay (r) officially present 2014-15 Presidential Citation to Past-President, Ray Buck (c).
Kerrville Morning Rotary Awards CeremonyThe Kerrville Morning Rotary Club held its’ annual new officer installation and awards ceremony at their weekly breakfast meeting at the Salvation Army Kroc Community Center.
Out-going President Ray Buck spoke with the club about the successes of the past year and of the importance of living the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self”. He reminded the members and guests present that we exist as a club and as a people to work and to help others. Ray also thanked the membership for going above and beyond this last year in all of the community service activities in which the club participated.
Randy McClay, chairman of the Rotary Foundation committee, reminded the members of the importance of the Foundation. He then presented the newest Paul Harris Fellows, as well as some of the existing Paul Harris Fellows, with their commemorative pins.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Supports CAMKerrville Morning Rotary Supports CAM
Kerrville Morning Rotarians recently held a food drive at their regular Thursday morning meeting and donated the proceeds to the Kerr County Area Christian Alliance Ministry. CAM is located at 521 Barnett Street, Kerrville, Texas and is open from 2-6 p.m. on Monday and 2-4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Their phone number is 830-257-4222.
Pictured are CAM volunteers, Linda Cota, Rich Gallagher, Jan Ernst, Beverlee Smith, Linda Parsons and Kenneth O’Neal, Rotarian. A spokesman for the volunteers said, “The people that walk through our doors always thank us for blessing them—so we would like to thank all of those who contribute making this possible for them.”
O’Neal stated that he thoroughly enjoyed working with all the wonderful volunteers at CAM and urged the entire community to help out whenever possible, truly “Service above Self.”
Polio Purple Pinkie ProjectThe Kerrville Morning Rotary, in conjunction with the Tivy Interact Club, held a Polio Purple Pinkies project to raise funds and awareness of the polio virus still active in two countries in the world. The Interact Club painted pinkies for a donation, usually a dollar, during the school lunch period. Nancy Gawryszewski, math department and Interact Club sponsor said, “We have a great group of Interact students that want to reach out and help others. Through the Purple Pinkies project Tivy Interact students have worked to inform the student body about Polio and Rotary’s efforts to eradicate it from the planet. It has been a campus effort to raise funds and awareness involving students and faculty alike.”
Kerrville Morning Rotary's Updated WebsiteKerrville Morning Rotary members have a new and improved website! “The site is a wonderful tool for both members and the community to see what we are doing, have planned in the future and give a more personal touch to the club for future members, visiting members and guests.” said Waverly Jones, Sergeant at Arms. “This will also give the members a direct connection to all Rotary sites throughout the world and the ease to see what we are doing here in our own back yard.”
Kerrville Morning Rotary Welcomes Jane LehmanKerrville Morning Rotary Inducts Newest Member
Kerrville Morning Rotary members recently welcomed Jane Lehman into their fold. “It’s a pleasure to have Jane with us. Her passion for service and enthusiastic personality are a perfect fit for our club,” said Ray Buck, Morning Rotary President.
“I joined Rotary International because of its global mission to ‘advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty’. That’s a powerful mission and together we are making it happen,” Lehman said.
Happy AnniversaryWhere are we in the fight to end polio? What have we accomplished? How can we make history together? Join Rotary for a live global update on World Polio Day.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Presents Dictionaries to Harper Students
Kerrville Morning Rotary Presents Dictionaries to Harper 6th Graders Thirteen years ago, the Kerrville Morning Rotary initiated a program to annually distribute dictionaries to area students. Since then, the list of recipient schools has grown and two years ago the club added the students at Covenant Academy in Kerrville and Harper ISD as recipients. |
Kerrville Morning Rotary Supports Families & Literacy, Inc.
Kerrville Morning Rotary Supports Families & Literacy, Inc. Kerrville Morning Rotary recently presented a $1,000 check to Families & Literacy, Inc. for use in purchasing curriculum. Families & Literacy, Inc., a nonprofit adult education organization, offers classes for adults who are working toward their GED certification. |